The New Charmed Television Show: Why It Fails to Live Up to the Classic


Credits to Wikipedia for the image

In the late 90s, an amazing show took the world by storm. That show was called Charmed. It was a perfect mix of family, drama, fantasy, and witchcraft. Since then, a reboot has been attempted in the hopes of recapturing the show’s magic. But so far it just hasn’t been able to hit that mark. In today’s article we’ll discuss why the new Charmed is struggling to be as good as its predecessor.

Visions and Expertise

The original series was created by Constance M. Burge and was led by herself and Brad Kern as the showrunner. Constance’s creative vision created the foundation for the series while Brad’s expertise in storytelling helped craft every intricate detail of each episode. Allowing the supernatural elements to blend with its character development smoothly.

The reboot unfortunately lacks both Constance M. Burge and Brad Kern at its helm. With their combined genius gone from this new age Charmed it’s clear they take an impact on how well it performs.

The Original Charmed Ones

Another irreplaceable element of the original series is Alyssa Milano, Holly Marie Combs, and Shannen Doherty’s on-screen bond with one another. These three actresses not only bring out some fantastic performances but also make you feel like they’re actually sisters in real life. This is one of those things where you can’t put your finger on what exactly made it work so well but you just know when you see it.

With this new set played by Madeleine Mantock, Melonie Diaz, and Sarah Jeffery you get none of that same chemistry between them on screen. Kinda makes sense why since these are all new actors stepping into a role made iconic by someone else entirely.

The Power of Legacy

Charmed in the 90s was more than just a TV show; it became a cultural phenomenon that would inspire generations of viewers to embrace their inner witches while also appreciating the importance of family and sisterhood. The show was so beloved that even though there wasn’t social media at the time it still managed to go viral without it.

The news series in all its attempts to pay tribute to the original can’t seem to escape its shadow. And this frustration is shared by new fans as well who just won’t shut up about how much better the original was in the comment sections.

Re-imagining Without Nostalgia

Reboots are always a high-risk move; you have to re-imagine an already perfect classic without making it too different from its roots and alienating the once loyal fan base. A task not many shows or movies succeed at sadly.

The new Charmed show is… okay. It’s not terrible, but it’s nothing special. I doubt anyone will be talking about its years from now in the same way people still talk about the original.

I’m a big fan of the original series. Re-watching episodes today, I’m impressed by how relevant they still are. They tackle issues like feminism and personal growth in a way that really resonates with me, and I think those themes could translate well into the rebooted version.

Unfortunately, if you were hoping for some thought-provoking stories that reflect current challenges in society, you will be disappointed. The new show trades all that for a quick buck and fails to leave an impact.

The original Charmed series has outlasted its successors for good reason. It was something special that came around at just the right time. And while the new reboot might have fans of its own, it lacks what made us fall in love with the Halliwell sisters in the first place.

Originally published at on January 09, 2024


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